
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Stoplight Activity

Today, my 5th graders reviewed for a math test.   Not only did I want them to review for the test, but I wanted each of them to start advocating for themselves and any problems they don't understand.  I found this Stoplight Activity online and thought it would work well for both purposes.

I gave the class 20 minutes to work independently on the review.  When they finished a problem, they marked the number with either a red, yellow, or green crayon.  When I explained this, I used a picture of a stoplight to explain directions. 

RED- STOP!  I need help OR I am not correct with my work/answer.

YELLOW- SLOW DOWN!  I need help or I am partially right with my work/answer.

GREEN- GO!  I can help others or I am confident I am 100% correct with my work/answer. 

Then, after the 20 minutes, students pair up and start working through all the "red problems" together.  After, they move to "yellow" and then "green".

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